Provider Alert! New video, Mood Disorders in Primary Care

Provider Alert!

Provider Alert! New video, Mood Disorders in Primary Care

Date: January 2, 2024

Attention: All Providers

Call to action: Texas Children Health Plan (TCHP) Care Coordination Team is pleased to provide a video on mood disorders available here, Mood Disorders in Primary Care.  The video is on Bipolar Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder in children and adolescents.  In the video, you will find not only a brief overview of the mood disorders, but also tips for engaging your patients and recommendations for when to refer your patient to a mental health provider.  The video also shares contact information for our case management team that is available to assist you to ensure the highest quality of outpatient mental healthcare possible.  

Video- Mood Disorders in Primary Care
You will be asked to sign a guest book upon opening the video link. This is for TCHP administrative purposes.

Resources for providers: Please note that Child Psychiatry Access Network (CPAN) is available to you at and TCHP staff are always available to assist with our member’s mental health needs. Please find our contact information below.

TCHP Care Coordination Team

Find a provider-

Behavioral Health/Substance Abuse Hotline
STAR 1-800-731-8529
CHIP 1-800-731-8528
STAR Kids 1-844-818-0125

Next step for Providers: Providers are strongly encouraged to view this video and consider implementing the recommendations into the daily operations of their practice for applicable patients.

If you have any questions, please email Provider Relations at:

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