ADHD Provider Tool Kit: Evaluation and Diagnosis Resources

ADHD Provider Tool Kit: Evaluation and Diagnosis Resources

What is it?

The ADHD Provider Tool Kit is the online Texas Children’s Health Plan resource for a wide range of relevant material to assist the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients with ADHD and their families. The goal is to provide information sources for providers who frequently see patients with this diagnosis.

Evaluation and Diagnosis

Current DSM-5 criteria are listed. Symptoms fall into two primary clusters: Inattention and Hyperactivity/Impulsivity. Helpful tips regarding age-specific differences are listed to assist diagnosis in child versus adolescent patients. Find information here on common co-occurring diagnoses, including other disruptive behaviors and learning disabilities. A step-by-step Algorithm for Evaluation and Diagnosis provides guidance for the elements and sequence of a comprehensive diagnosis.

There is normal variation in attentiveness, impulsivity and attention span; rating scales can help identify which patients meet criteria for this diagnosis. It is important to document that symptoms occur in more than one setting. The kit includes links to open-source ADHD rating scales with both teacher and parent versions. These scales are useful in the assessment phase as well as in monitoring treatment.

How do I find it?

The tool kit is available online to participating providers through the Texas Children’s Health Plan Website and Provider Portal. Providers can also contact Texas Children’s Health Plan Provider Relations to access the tool kit.

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