Tag - Outbreak

Provider Alert! Novel Coronavirus Infection – 5 Confirmed US Cases

Attention: All providers Effective Date: January 27, 2020   TCHP wants to help keep you up-to-date on developing issues.  Because updates are coming so frequently about the new coronavirus, please look for our posts on TheCheckup.org where you’ll find the latest information.  Also check with your institutional leaders to see if they have developed specific protocols for infection control.  A new coronavirus (2019-nCoV) was recently detected in Wuhan City, China and is causing an outbreak of respiratory illness. The 2019-nCoV outbreak began in December...

Provider Alert! Health Advisory Issued on Mumps Outbreaks in Texas

The Texas Department of State Health Services issued a Health Advisory on 11/30/2016 due to two outbreaks of mumps in North Central Texas. An outbreak in Dallas County involves 5 adults and a Johnson City outbreak involves 10 cases, mostly in children. Several other outbreaks have occurred in the US outside of Texas. DSHS requests that physicians "please consider mumps as a diagnosis for any patients presenting with the following symptoms, particularly those who have traveled out of the state or have...