Tag - Epipen

Provider Alert!

Provider Alert! Issues with EpiPen, Epi-Pen Jrs, and related generic products

Attention: All Providers and Pharmacies Effective Date: April 21, 2020 Call to action: The FDA is alerting stakeholders that EpiPen 0.3mg and EpiPen Jr 0.15mg auto-injectors, and authorized generic versions, may potentially have delayed or inappropriate injecting. Reasons for failure include: Device failure from spontaneous activation caused by using sideways force to remove the blue safety release Device failure from inadvertent or spontaneous activation due to a raised blue safety release Difficulty removing the device from carrier tube User error may also delay or prevent the...

Important Formulary Changes (Effective January 1, 2018)

Texas Children’s Health Plan formulary, preferred drug list, and prior authorization  forms can be found here: https://www.navitus.com/texas-medicaid-star-chip/formulary.aspx. Questions? Contact the Navitus Pharmacy Benefits Customer Care Team at 1-877-908-6023.