Monthly Archives - March 2020

March is National Nutrition Month

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recognizes March as National Nutrition Month. This month we focus on healthy living through nutrition, bite by bite. Make informed food choices by creating and planning healthy meals, every day, each week. Start each day with a healthy breakfast. Drink more water. Hydration is important for both physical and mental functioning. Get physically active. Plan your meals and prep ahead. Learn and implement proper portion sizes. Substitute meat for plant-based alternatives. Get at least 8 hours of sleep per day. When eating...

Provider Alert!

Provider Alert! Health and Human Services (HHS) Promotes Women’s Health by Raising Awareness of Long-Acting Reversible Contraception (LARC)

Effective Date: March 5, 2020 The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends LARCs for the following reasons: LARCs are the most effective reversible contraceptive method There is no further action required for the patient to avoid pregnancy after the device is in place LARCs have high rates of patient satisfaction and method continuation LARCs can be removed at any time if the patient plans to conceive or use another form of birth control How this impacts providers: Providers must decide if their patient qualifies as...

Provider Alert!

Provider Alert! Additional development screenings and autism screenings now allowable and payable beyond the standard screenings

Effective Date: June 3, 2020 Attention: Primary Care Providers Call to action: In addition to the required screenings, TCHP is allowing for a total of 12 developmental screenings up to age 6 during a Texas Health Steps Checkup within the following ages: 8.1-  2 screenings At ages 0-11 months 8.2- 3 screenings At age 12-23 months 8.3- 2 screenings At ages 12-23 months 8.4- 2 screenings At ages 24-35 months 8.5- 1 screening At 3 years of age 8.6- 1 screening At 5 years of age 8.7-1 screening At 6 years of age   If a developmental or...

Provider Alert!

Provider Alert! Prosthetics Codes Update

Effective Date: June 3, 2020 Attention: Prosthetics, DME providers, orthopedists, podiatrists, PCPs Call to action: Texas Children’s Health Plan will now configure the prosthetics procedures codes to require prior authorization according to the Texas Medicaid Provider Procedures Manual (TMPPM).  Currently, the only procedure codes on the prior authorization list are related to Breast Reconstruction. How this impacts providers: Provider offices should utilize the Standard Prior Authorization Form for prosthetics that require a prior authorization: Next steps for providers: Providers should reference the prosthetic procedure...

Provider Alert!

Provider Alert! Provider Participation for Improved Texas Immunization Registry

Effective Date: February 28, 2020 Attention: Primary Care Providers Call to action: As you know, The Texas Immunization Registry, Immtrac2  manages the records for patients and makes them accessible for national and local stakeholders alike. Locally, school districts utilize Immtrac2 for eligibility when students enroll. It is important to ensure quality data is maintained and available so all health care providers have the ability to provider better and more reliable care. To achieve this, it is important that providers are active members...

Provider Alert!

Provider Alert! Changes to the Prescription Monitoring Program Effective March 1st

The Texas Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) Per the Texas State Board of Pharmacy1: The Texas Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) is used to verify a practitioner’s own records and prescribing history as well as inquiring about patients. In addition, the program may be used to generate and disseminate information regarding prescription trends2. Beginning March 1, 2020, pharmacists and prescribers (other than a veterinarian) will be required to check the patient’s PMP history before dispensing or prescribing opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or carisoprodol. This applies to discharge/ambulatory medications only. Exceptions...